Continue Reading Archery Turkey Hunting That is all I needed. It was just after noon and the gobbler was 30 yards away from me. He hid behind…
Continue Reading March Game Camera Photos March 31, 2018Well I have to say that month flew by! It seems like we were just talking about the February pics when I…
Continue Reading February Game Camera Photos February 28, 2018Again, I can’t explain my obsession with game camera pictures, but I could barely wait for the month to end so that…
Continue Reading Shed Antler Hunting Chesterfield, MO Today was a rough day at work, with nothing quite working out as planned and productivity not what I was hoping it…
Continue Reading January Game Camera January 31, 2018For some reason, I am obsessed with game cameras. Every time I retrieve a card and upload the photos, I am as…
Continue Reading Archery Deer Season Final HuntMy 2017-18 deer hunt has not been successful, at least not if you measure success by the amount of meat in the…