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Shed Antler Hunting

· Chesterfield, MO ·

  • Paul McCaslin
  • Hunting
  • Feb 8, 2018

Today was a rough day at work, with nothing quite working out as planned and productivity not what I was hoping it would be.  I was feeling a bit stressed out and needed to cool off a little bit.  Fortunately for me, the sun was out and the temperatures were creeping into the 40’s.  My…

Emerald Ash Borer in Missouri

· Westport ·

  • Paul McCaslin
  • Camping
  • Jan 15, 2018
Emerald Ash Borer

As regular readers know, I am a Certified Arborist working for a private tree company in St. Louis.  I spend my days estimating tree work and evaluating tree health for homeowners, property managers, municipalities, and neighborhood associations.  At least once a week, and usually more often than that, the topic of my conversation is the…

Winter Trout Fishing

· By Billy McCaslin ·

  • Paul McCaslin
  • Fishing
  • Jan 13, 2018

Bennett Springs is a Missouri State Park located near Lebanon Missouri. The highlight of this state park is a 1.2 mile spring branch of the Niangua River that is stocked with Rainbow Trout daily from March 1st to October 31st. It is also stocked with brown trout in the spring and the fall. During this…

Babler State Park

· Hawthorn Trail ·

  • Paul McCaslin
  • Hiking
  • Jan 10, 2018
Babler State Park Hawthorne Trail

After several weeks of cold temperatures, a gusty south wind ushered in some welcome warmth today even if we never did see the sun.  I couldn’t waste the opportunity to get outside in 55 degree temperatures and knock a short trail off my list of 60 hikes, so I made it to Babler State Park…

A Winter Hike at Castlewood

· Castlewood State Park, Grotpeter Trail  ·

  • Paul McCaslin
  • Hiking
  • Jan 2, 2018
Castlewood State Park Path

190 pounds!  Ugh.  I stood on the scale this morning, begrudgingly, after a month of birthday,  Christmas, and New Years celebrations to discover that I had gained 10 pounds in just the month of December.  The busy month coupled with a persistent chest cold had defeated me.  Fortunately, I went into work to find a…