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June Game Camera

· June 30, 2018 ·

  • Paul McCaslin
  • Hunting
  • Jul 5, 2018

It was a chore walking into the woods to retrieve SD cards this go around. I had not been on the property for a month, and boy did the vegetation fill in!  A few large trees had fallen over the “path” in, and clearly every spider in the county set up shop along the same…

April Game Camera Photos

· April 30, 2018 ·

  • Paul McCaslin
  • Hunting
  • May 3, 2018

It was an exciting month indeed for the game cameras.  We now have  3 cameras to monitor, and all produced at least a few decent photos this month.  It has taken me a few days to go through them all and narrow down the winners worthy for a post.  So first we will start with…