April 2018 Bird List

· Migration is heating up ·

April 30, 2018 Comments Off on April 2018 Bird List

Found 25 new birds, short of my goal of 40 for April but still a fun month.

Well once again I fell well short of my stated goals for the month.  My focus on training for the Grand Canyon and the fact that the fish have been biting both cut into my birding time.  And boy did I miss some good birds this month.  My schedule does not allow me to chase many of the reported rare and unusual birds that show up on rare bird posts or the Mo-birds listserve, but I still love to read about them and hear about exciting finds of other birders.  Very notable Missouri birds that I could not chase were white-tailed kite, burrowing owl, and green-tailed towhee from the southwest.  I also missed on some loons and some great shorebirds in the St. Louis area, as well as a persistent snowy owl in Lincoln county.  It also seems that the past two days we finally are getting a decent migration of warblers moving through, and for the most part I have missed on them as well.  But its all good, as I have enjoyed the birds I did see and continue to work at building my year list for 2018.

Without further ado, here is the April list bringing me to a total of 115 for the year.

  1. Lesser scaup
  2. Blue-wing teal
  3. Bonaparte’s gull
  4. Great Egret – always exciting to welcome them back
  5. Black and white warbler
  6. Rough-winged swallow – great numbers of them buzzing Billy and I while crappie fishing.
  7. Nothern parula – seemingly everywhere.  Of course I always hear way more than I see.
  8. Louisiana waterthrush
  9. Yellow-throated warbler
  10. Blue-gray gnatcatcher – the first several pairs I saw were actually silent, something I rarely can say for these little guys.
  11. Northern waterthrush
  12. Nashville warbler
  13. House wren
  14. Prothonotary warbler
  15. Spotted sandpiper
  16. Greater yellowlegs
  17. Caspian tern – Riverlands comes through again!
  18. Chimney swift – in small numbers at Riverlands
  19. Green heron
  20. Brown thrasher
  21. Osprey – solo bird flying over the major intersection of Clarkson and Clayton Rd.  Billy had one fishing alongside him at a small pond in Jefferson county before I did.
  22. Ruby-throated hummingbird – beautiful male
  23. Whippoorwill – new yard bird for me!
  24. Palm warbler
  25. Chipping sparrow

Need to capitalize on migration and have a good month in May.  Of course this is a crazy busy month at work and in my house so will be tough, but I am gunning for 40 new birds this month.

Paul McCaslin