One antlered buck on game camera close up

February and March Game Camera

· March 31, 2020 ·

April 12, 2020 Comments Off on February and March Game Camera

My February and March game camera photos proved to be interesting even if not noteworthy. We had some camera issues, including one intentionally tampered with by a trespasser. The cameras were also moved around a bit in order to try to catch a few different angles or animals. All in all we had fewer photos to work with but I am excited about the potential of our new locations.

Late antlers

For me the most exciting observations recorded were the deer holding antlers late into March. I always find it interesting that some deer begin dropping antlers as early as late December and some hold them into April, even on the same property. The cameras actually recorded quite a few deer holding antlers late in the month.

More deer

I say this every month, but the cameras capture the deer doing all sorts of things on camera. I find their behavior and personality totally interesting.

4 deer on game camera running in the dark
No idea what is going on here!
Deer on game camera
Possible healed deer

Not the best photo above, but this deer appears to me to possibly be the same specimen from below but now is all healed up. I could be wrong. I did have a better photo a minute before this but lost the file somewhere.

Injured deer on game camera

Here are just a few more deer photos that I found worthwhile to share.


The turkeys on this property are very transient. They appear daily for several days then vanish for sometimes months at a time. When they are present, they always provide some great photos.


The bobcat has not been seen for month as either property. I have still found a few tracks but they appear to have found another path to take. Hopefully I can locate them again as they are always a highlight. I did get numerous coyote captures, but most at night and few of decent quality.

Daytime coyote on game camera

What lies ahead?

Hopefully I can still keep up with the cameras in the coming months. As I mentioned, one of the cameras was tampered with the last month. The camera recorded an unknown person walking up to the camera, and it seems they attached a length of flagging to it. Of course the flagging set off motion in the wind so it recorded about 900 photos of absolutely nothing in the course of a day. Fortunately I happened to retrieve the card only about 24 hours after he was there. At least he didn’t steal the camera I guess.

But if all goes to plan, the cameras will soon be recording deer growing new antlers, fawns taking their first steps, and turkeys strutting there stuff. In addition I am always interested in the predators and other wildlife that creep by while I am at work or sleeping. Check back next month and see what surprises we may have recorded in April.

Paul McCaslin