January 2018 Bird List

· It’s a Start ·

January 23, 2018 Comments Off on January 2018 Bird List

Can I get to 300 Birds for the year?

I have decided to try to keep track of all of the species of birds that I see for the year, something I used to do before I had kids and all of the joy and busyness that comes with them.  My hope is that making an effort to build the largest list possible I will put more effort into birding on a daily basis, something that is difficult to do while occupied by the day to day.   My goal is 300 species for the year, which is probably a stretch for me, but that’s ok.  I will be traveling to Arizona as well as Florida so that should help with variety. Birds will be listed in order identified.


  1. Northern Flicker-Great first bird on New Years morning, hanging on suet feeder just a few feet from my window.
  2. Tufted Titmouse
  3. Carolina Chickadee
  4. American Robin
  5. American Goldfinch
  6. Northern Mockingbird
  7. Cardinal
  8. Downy Woodpecker
  9. Starling
  10. American Crow
  11. Red-tailed Hawk
  12. Dark-eyed Junco
  13. House Finch
  14. Blue Jay
  15. Red-winged Blackbird
  16. Bald Eagle – Several at Columbia Bottom Conservation Area.
  17. Northern Harrier
  18. Ring-billed Gull
  19. Rock Dove
  20. House Sparrow
  21. Eastern Bluebird
  22. Mallard
  23. Red-shouldered Hawk
  24. Barred Owl
  25. White-breasted Nuthatch
  26. Song Sparrow
  27. Red-bellied Woodpecker
  28. Pileated Woodpecker
  29. Wood Duck
  30. Mourning Dove
  31. Canada Goose
  32. Carolina Wren
  33. Cooper’s Hawk
  34. Yellow-rumped Warbler
  35. American Kestrel
  36. Black Vulture – Odd to see this first, and in far greater numbers than the Turkey Vultures.  They were at Bennett Spring 50+.
  37. Turkey Vulture
  38. Killdeer
  39. Belted Kingfisher
  40. Peregrine Falcon – Great sighting chasing pigeon’s at Boone Bridge over Missouri River.
  41. Red-headed Woodpecker
  42. Cedar Waxwing
  43. White-throated Sparrow
  44. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
  45. Winter Wren
  46. Great-horned Owl
  47. Rough-legged Hawk
  48. Great Blue Heron
  49. Wild Turkey – Took me a long time to find  this month, couldn’t find in their usual haunts.
  50. Trumpeter Swan
  51. American Coot
  52. Double-crested Cormorant
  53. Pied-billed Grebe
  54. Common Goldeneye
  55. Ring-necked Duck
  56. White Pelican
  57. Buffleheads
  58. Meadowlark species
  59. Snow Goose
  60. White-fronted Goose
  61. Loggerhead Shrike

Paul McCaslin